Attention: Proper Uniforms

Attention: Northwest Association of Umpires 2009 Members

The NWAU, Ltd Board of Directors has brought it to my attention that some members are not abiding by the uniform policy.  

As your 2009 Umpire Representative, I would like to take a moment to remind you that the Northwest Association of Umpires does in fact have a strict uniform policy.  Simply put, we do not allow members to wear numbers, name plates or logos of any kind on their pants or shirts.  Further, only an official “NW” hat is allowed.

For more detailed information, please visit the following link on the NW site:

For those who need to replace one or more pieces of their uniform, please visit General Sports in Edina, MN or another official uniform supply retailer.  Questions may be directed to your mentor.  

Thank you for your prompt attention to this important policy.

Thank you.

Rick Lindquist

NWAU, Ltd. Umpire Representative

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*NW General Membership Meeting - TBD 2020

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