Fall Ball General Points of Emphasis
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- Parent Category: Umpires
General points of emphasis:
1. Arrive early for your games so you can have a thorough pre-game.
2. In case of poor weather, call me or the weather hotline. Larry's cell # is 612-508-7526; Larry's home number is 763-545-0559; the Gopher Camp hotline for weather is 612-625-0135.
3. Make sure you have contacted your partner and your evaluator ahead of time to determine shirt color. I am suggesting that Umpire 1 is the one that should start the phone calling. No e-mail please. Use the phone. Just click on your partner’s name and his address and phone numbers will be shown. If you get no results with the phone, then try e-mail. The phone is where you can actually discuss the basic items necessary and it can start your relationship on the right foot. Evaluators should not be calling their umpires until late in the day on Friday for Saturday games if you have not heard from them yet. So, Umpire 1 make sure you take charge and contact your partner and evaluator before then
4. The default uniform is the navy blue pullover since that is what the MSHSL official uniform is and it is also the NW Umpire default uniform color. As long as both of you match, you can wear the black, college powder blue, old style powder blues (red, white & blue trim or just navy blue & white trim), gray, cream or white, etc. Remember, you must match however. If you are a NW umpire working with a tryout umpire, the tryout umpire should be wearing a non-logo cap on both the bases and the plate. The NW umpire should be wearing their NW cap. If you can match the color, most umpires have navy and/or black caps. So, try to match the color if possible.
5. Do a professional job while you are working. Take your evaluation seriously and listen to your evaluator when they make a point about what you could do to improve.
6. Take a look at the common positive comments and the negative comments that sent out yesterday to everyone.
7. Make sure you understand the high school rules for these games plus the few rules at the end of this document.
1. Regular high school playing rules will be in force, except as noted.
2. Special emphasis will be on the force play slide rule at 2B.
3. No courtesy runners will be used.
4. No ten-run rule will be in place.
5. Free substitution will be allowed with no restriction on number of players in the batting order.
6. The decisions of the umpires are final and no protests will be allowed.
7. Three free visits to the mound are allowed per game. On the second trip in an inning for the same pitcher, the pitcher must be removed.
8. Not more than four innings shall be pitched on a single day by a single pitcher (exception: pitch count below 50 after 4 innings). The same pitcher shall not pitch on consecutive days or in both games of a double header.
9. No game shall go beyond 9 full innings. If the score is tied after 9 complete innings, then a tie shall be declared.