Jim Peck - Hall Of Fame

Dear Friends:  I am very pleased to tell you that Coach Jim Peck [American Legion Baseball, Excelsior Post #259] will be inducted into the Minnesota Amateur Baseball Hall of Fame on Saturday, September 15, 2012 in St. Cloud, Minnesota.  This HOF focuses on those who have made major contributions in some area of amateur baseball and who have demonstrated intense and ongoing involvement in community and area service organizations.  For anyone who might be free to consider attending, the social hour is 4 pm and the banquet is 5:30 pm at the St. Cloud River's Edge Convention Center in St. Cloud.  [Please contact Bob Karn at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call320-252-8227 home or cell 320-292-2268 for banquet ticket information.]  Jim's photo and nomination information are eventually to be up on the website, the state tournament book and the baquet program and one of his baseball jerseys will be hung in the Hall of Fame with his photo.  We are enormously grateful to all who supported this nomination and wrote letters of support.

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